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Tuesday 24 August 2010

China's Massive Traffic Jam Could Last for Weeks

News source

Very different from the simple and clear style of the website designs of CNN and BBC, the website of ABC international news seems very “colourful”, however, from an other perspective, it also can been seems as a promiscuous combination of all kinds of news stories. And the main colours of the website-dark grey and dark blue are not so apparent for highlighting the main story. As a popular design almost all the news website would place the classification column under the title of the website, and in the ABC‘s case, it then followed by not the main story content but by a series of clips of hot news videos, which may lead to a eyes confused.

In the other hand, a significant point of the website worth to mention is it has a very close connection of the other hot-button websites, such as the facebook, twitter and email, serving as a good way to enlarge the news popularity as more and more people can share and save their favourite news story to their personal space.

After news title, the author use a sentence to summary the news story itself, simple but eye-catching by using a specific number, which greatly induces the curiosity of readers to move on.

A photo of the scene about the traffic jam makes the whole story more vivid, and in the description of the photo, the news content was also highlighted

Traffic jam is a very common phenomenon in most of countries and seems has no news value, however, in the very beginning of the story it gives a introduction of the whole news, which at the same time , can be seen as a introduction of the specialty of the this news. In the story, the author used a wide rage of numbers to show the serious of this traffic jam and make the news more convinced. Besides, the detailed illustration of” walking around, or playing cards and chess” the traffic jam makes the whole news more interesting and impressive.

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